Individual Treatment Programs

If you are suffering from an addiction and you have unsuccessfully tried to quit on your own before, and you are here now, on this website, looking for a solution. The chances are that you, like the majority, have done your best and your failure is not your fault. Over 90% of people fail at rehabilitation attempts on their own, and more likely than not, you will continue to be part of those statistics unless you break the cycle. On average, it takes an addict five attempts at recovery to achieve sobriety. If you want to be part of the success story, and make this the shortcut to permanent recovery, you’ve got to do the work. There is no other way. It is what it is.

The sooner you accept the reality, take full responsibility, make a wholehearted commitment, pay the price once and for all, plan ahead, work hard to prepare yourself according to your plan ahead of time in every way, financially, your schedule, mindset, support-system and insurance coverage so that you are able to go through with a full rehabilitation program participating in every activity, the sooner you are able to take back your life.

By doing so, you will reclaim the life that you deserve to live, with all its glory, pleasures, successes, joys, and love that awaits you. Why should you deprive yourself of all that you could have in your life, which so many people around you are enjoying, just because of a bunch of people who are toxic, an environment that is toxic, and some substances that are toxic, all of which you can take control over and eliminate?

In fact, what is standing between you and that ultimate amazing life that you can have, are all those toxicities. Now you’ve got a simple decision ahead of you. Which one of the two is more important to you? The drug dealers, and their families getting rich, the toxic friends that don’t care about you killing yourself little by little, or altogether, for that matter; the toxic environment and the toxic people surrounding you, and the toxic stuff that you sniff or inject or inhale or drink or in some way get into your system? Or YOU?

Are you more important, YOUR BODY, your health, your family, those you love, who love you back, who’ve given of themselves and sacrificed for you, who want nothing but the best for you, who suffered to see you happy, or the toxicities?


However, if you decide that you and your family and your future are more important and decide to claim your life, you must be committed to go through withrehab. You must be one hundred percent motivated to live a clean life, devoid of addiction and be committed to living a healthy life permanently! I suggest you make the investment to learn about the RECOVERYSHORTCUT SYSTEM.

But again, it is not just that simple. You must follow the RECOVERYSHORTCUT SYSTEM as it could make a huge difference between your success or failure..

To overtake this monstrous enemy, you have no choice but to enter a Residential Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation Facility, with full commitment and intention to succeed.

A Residential and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center, is in short sometimes referred to as Rehab. It is generally a furnished house which has gone through a rigorous licensing process, to be deemed qualified both on the State as well as the Federal level to be qualified to provide the appropriate Level of Care necessary for the individuals who are treated in these facilities. For a Residential Facility, besides a License, there are several various Qualifications such as Accreditation and Certifications that are necessary to be obtained to be deemed qualified and must be maintained from year to year. Within these Residential Facilities, just like in a hospital, the clients/patients are required to participate in an obligatory daily routine, which would be generally focused on:

During this time, you have a whole team of experts on your side. You are examined initially by an addiction medicine physician specialist, an addiction psychologist along with a full team of staff and you go through a full detox regimen. You stay in this closed medical facility, which is in a home setting, where you stay every night while you are receiving individual and group sessions and participate in all types of programs. You will also receive education and coaching, as well as other support, all directed towards assisting you develop new abilities and technics to overcome the psychological triggers that drive your addiction.

Multi-Disciplinary Team of Staff:

The licensed, accredited, top-quality rehab facilities must have all the required professionals such as addiction specialist physicians, nurses, psychiatrists and therapists in addition to technologists and social workers.


Comprehensive Rehab Treatment is a full continuum of care, which means that you will be transitioning through various stages of treatment.

After a comprehensive multidisciplinary initial evaluation by an addiction specialty team comprised of an addiction medicine physician, a psychiatrist and a psychologist, a nurse, a social worker and others, you will be advanced to a high-quality course of treatment including the first stage, which is Medical Detox.During Medical Detox, you receive constant medical attention for your withdrawal symptoms. This stage may take five to seven days, although the length of time differs depending on multitude of factors, from person to person.

Following your discharge from the Medical Detox, you will be admitted into the Residential or “Inpatient” Treatment phase of your program. Obviously during this phase, you will be living on-site, participating in all the therapy sessions, receiving counseling, learn methods and strategies for your long-term recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Dual diagnosis treatment is essential for those who suffer from addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders like anxiety or depression. These debilitating disorders may have seriously contributed to your use of destructive substances for the purpose of self-medication of these conditions. On the other hand, the use of substances over time could have contributed to your mental health problems. Either way, to achieve success, both your conditions must be treated effectively during the rehabilitation process.

What's Next?

If you feel that you need assistance preparing for your recovery shortcut rehabilitation and you need a shortcut rehab coach, the sooner you contact, the better chances of success you will have in this process. Remember that momentum is extremely important. The moment you feel motivated to take action, that is the moment to move forward and do not hesitate. If that moment is now, go for it. Contact one of our coaches immediately. Don’t wait. Don’t let this moment pass, and the momentum diminish. Don’t let the opportunity of a fantastic new life pass you by.


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